The Poetry Church: An Inclusive Congregation
We publish The Poetry Church as a short magazine twice a year, accompanied by a full Poetry Church Collection each spring.
Subscribers not only receive copies of each of the magazines and the collection, we also invite them to contribute any poems that they think would suit the magazines to the editor on an ongoing basis from which pool the contents of the magazines are selected.
The Poetry Church is an ecumenical co-operative Christian poetry magazine, which features the work of international Christian poets coming from a wide variety of backgrounds in the mainline churches. The magazine has a pastoral role as well as a literary one. Some of our poets and readers suffer from terminal illness, some are handicapped or lonely. Some are seekers, wanting to know more about the Christian faith and a closer relationship with Christ and his followers. We pray for them all and for each other.
Subscriptions are £12 per annum due in March each year, this is a substantial discount on buying the magazines and collection separately, although you are welcome to order them this way by contacting us. To subscribe to the Poetry Church please send us your full details plus subscription and we will make sure you receive all the titles.
Here is an excerpt from Vol. 16 No.4 and its cover